Sarcasm — Funny or a Sign of Resistance? - Alexis Fotos
The ultimate challenge came the first week of the PPY 40 Day program when the group was challenged to remove complaining from our lives. Now more than ever, complaining saturates our society as a form of hot wiring connection with others. Unhappy with your boss? Bond with your co-workers over it. Annoyed with your partner? Vent to your friends about it. Frustrated with the guy at the coffee shop, the yogi next to you, the woman behind you in traffic? You get what I’m saying.
Another form of complaining? Sarcasm! If you’re anything like me, maybe you use sarcasm as a way to bring light to ridiculous situations, make people laugh or display fiery, insidious wit. Either way, sarcasm is ultimately a defense mechanism, the seemingly harmless face of resistance. Whether you engage in it out of fear to speak your truth, when you’re experiencing an old emotional trigger, or simply speaking out of habitual impulse, sarcasm has repercussions that you can’t always see on the surface.
Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can shed light on where and why you are using sarcasm. Taking a moment to be aware of the words you’re saying and reflect on how they could impact others is a great way to put space between yourself and your next quick one-liner.
Click the link below to check out an article that addresses 6 steps to recognizing this habit and cutting it out of your daily interactions. It explores the impact mindfulness and gratitude can have on quitting sarcasm—even if for a short time to evaluate its role in your life!
Next time you go to complain or say something spicy, I dare you to think twice and reframe it!