How to Hydrate Like a Boss
Studies show that the average athlete can lose anywhere from 0.5L per hour of sweat in average conditions to over 2L/hr in hot and humid conditions. (That’s over 4.4 lbs!)
As a hot yoga studio, you better believe we are serious about hydration due to the copious amounts of heat + sweat involved! Hydration is important for SO many functions of your body — You know this! What you may not know though is if you are showing up to class a couple times a week or more, you are losing a significant amount of body weight in sweat!
With the studio set around 95-98 degrees with 55-65% humidity, there is a significant risk of dehydration IF you are not hydrating effectively.
So let’s chat about how to tell if you’re dehydrated + how to hydrate effectively for class!
Signs of dehydration often include fatigue, dizziness, muscle cramping, headaches, brain fog, nausea, rapid heart rate and fainting.
Hydration is an all-day event (Sorry, guzzling water right before class is a rookie mistake😅)
In the simplest terms, hydrate to thirst throughout the day.
Another fun fact: Sodium deficiency is actually what causes the symptoms of dehydration! When you sweat, you lose water + electrolytes like sodium + potassium. Some of us lose more sodium than others, but we all need to replenish for proper fluid balance. Just replenishing with water doesn’t accomplish this. (Anyone ever noticed a white ring around your sweat stains? This means you’re an extra salty sweater! (Now you can go brag to all your friends.)
Based on scientific studies, the recommended daily electrolyte intake is:
-4–6 g sodium
-3.5–5 g potassium
-400–600 mg magnesium
-1 g calcium
If you are extra active, sweat often (looking at you, hot yogi ) or are on a keto/low carb diet, you may very well need more than the recommended amount. So go ahead and experiment with it!
LMNT - IYKYK! Salty, sweet. Zero sugar or artificial colors/fillers. Perfect electrolyte ratio for absorption. Head to for the science!
Superieur- subtly sweet, zero sugar, made with plant extracts + sea minerals. Head to for more info.
Other quality brands: Redmond Life, Ultima.
Looking to make your own electrolyte drink? Here are a couple homemade recipes to try:
1 quart liquid (green tea, herbal tea, coconut water, or plain water)
⅛ -1/4 tsp Himalayan salt (or sea salt)
1 tsp calcium magnesium powder
1-2 TBSP raw honey or maple syrup (or stevia to taste)
LMNT’s homemade version:
16–32 oz water (makes 1 serving)
½ teaspoon salt provides about 1 gram sodium
400 mg potassium chloride powder provides about 200 mg potassium
¼ teaspoon of magnesium malate provides about 60 mg magnesium
2 tablespoons lime juice (you can switch this out for fresh berries, squeezed orange juice or cubed watermelon)
Dash of stevia, to taste
For more information about how to calculate your personal sweat rate and studies regarding sweat loss during hot and humid conditions, visit: