3 signs that you’re breath is CALM

Cue: “If you’re breath is calm…”

If you practice with us, you’ve probably heard this time and time again! But, what does it REALLY mean?

Here are 3 signs that your breath is calm:

  1. It’s full. Regardless of the length of the breath (whether its a 2-count or a 10-count), a calm breath is a full breath. It feels complete and controlled.

  2. It’s deep. A calm breath is powered with your primary breathing muscle—the diaphragm! This muscle is attached to your ribcage and resembles the workings of a parachute. Breathing with this muscles requires that you allow air in and out of your ribcage, promoting expansion and contraction of these structures. Breaths that use neck or chest muscles are shallow breaths, consistent with stress and tension.

  3. It’s free of strain. A calm breath is free of restriction, pain and over-efforting. If a breath feels stressful or strained, back of your movement and exertion. Assess the fullness and location of the air in your body and focus on getting deep, full breaths.


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