Kundalini, A Love Story


A little over two years ago, I joined an online group and took my very first Kundalini Yoga practice. I had NO idea what to expect, but something called me to join. 

I have practiced Kundalini Yoga in some way virtually every day since then, sometimes at home on my own, sometimes at home during an online class, and sometimes in a studio class. All have been powerful in one way or another.

I simply can't imagine my life without Kundalini. I'd love to list all of the ways it has changed my life, but I can't. It's far bigger than any list of singular things. All I can really say is that I have far more peace, joy, insight, and strength than I've ever experienced in my life.

I'd also love to explain to you just what Kundalini is, but again, I can't. It's an incredibly powerful transformative vehicle that will move you from one place to another. How it unfolds for each of us will be different. You really have to experience it to understand. Trying to explain how it's different from other types of yoga would be like me trying to explain how an avocado is different from other types of fruits if you'd never had an avocado. You have to experience it to understand. Right?

I teach Kundalini several times a week in our online group, Fierce Grace. I’d love for you to take the leap of something totally new and to join us!


Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset