Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset


Fixed mindset is the dreaded expert. It is the lowest level of living. Fixed mindset says, “I already know everything there is to know. I already know everything these people really mean. There is nothing here for me because I already know everything.” Fixed mindset is always first with an opinion and out of compassion. “These people and these things are exactly how I see them to be, they can’t possibly be any other way.” Fixed mindset is the death of mind, body, and spirit. It’s a prison built and maintained by the ego, keeping us captive and separate from real life.

Growth mindset is possibility. Growth mindset says, “I wonder what else there is. I can really listen to her if I don’t insert my opinion. My opinion is not fact; it’s my perception.” Growth mindset is free of judgement and full of gratitude.

Fixed mindset is fear. 

Growth mindset is love. 

Which do you choose?


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